Nhk Medical Frontiers Walking Again With Robotics

Update (1700ET): Thousands of people turned out in Washington to protestation and march confronting COVID-19 vaccine mandates today in 1 of the largest U.S. events and protests held against vaccine mandates since the start of the pandemic.

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, who was fired 3 weeks ago by Academy of California, Irvine, as he was challenging the schoolhouse'due south mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy, similarly told The Epoch Times on Sunday that for the past few years, "Americans have been isolated by lockdowns past social distancing past new forms of express interaction behind estimator screens."

"Americans need to recover our right to assembly and our right to public spaces. And then I think the most important thing almost this event is that it is a public event," said Kheriaty, who has become a frequent critic of vaccine passports and mandates.

"And it's an opportunity for all of united states to exist together in solidarity and love for i another, to speak up against coercive mandates, to permit doctors exist doctors without other entities coming between a doctor's own medical judgment and caring for his patient."

It would announced many other Americans hold...

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Update (1520ET): Thousands of demonstrators have gathered at the steps of the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial to hear a broad range of featured guests, including prominent doctors, journalists, pro athletes, actors, and premier thought leaders that will give inspiring speeches about freedom and the need to stand upwardly against the government and decline vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, and not to forcefulness children to be vaxxed, among other things.

A decent size oversupply has shown up to hear the speakers.

mRNA inventor Dr. Robert Malone told the crowd "not to comply" with vaccine mandates.

Dr. Peter McCullough, a renowned cardiologist and highly published medical scientist, said, "you lot alone have the autonomy over your body. You have the freedom to determine what happens to your torso."

The demonstrators triggered DC liberals.

* * *

At least 20,000 people are expected to attend Sunday'south "Defeat the Mandates: American Homecoming" rally on the Due north Mall in Washington DC on Sunday - and organizers have already put bad actors on find.

Howdy fellow protesters!

"Nosotros condemn all organizations and individuals who would utilise the March as an opportunity to further their own agendas of extremism, intolerance, and violence," reads a Friday statement, which notes that disinformation has already been spread virtually the consequence.

For example, on January 11, owners of the Instagram account "Intheweeds_dmv" published a slanderous post that claimed participants intended to "enter hospitality venues to challenge DC's vaccine mandate." WAMU, the local NPR affiliate in Washington, then reported information technology, despite the account's lack of any substantiation.

A false narrative was then created, leading listeners and readers to believe that the March to Defeat the Mandates was created in response to Mayor Bowser'due south Washington DC Mandate when in reality, organizers for the March applied for permits in November before the mayor's Mandate was always made public.  In fact, 1 could argue that the mayor's mandate was in response to our declaration of the March to Defeat the Mandates.

The organizers have likewise contracted "comprehensive private security" which is "working in concert with local and federal law enforcement" in an effort to keep the effect peaceful.

"We do not welcome extremist groups on whatsoever side that condone racism or bring violence of any kind to the thousands of Americans that will be marching peacefully," the statement continues.

Meanwhile, the New York Liberty Rally group - which is affiliated with "Defeat the Mandates," offered guidance to anyone traveling to DC to attend the rally.

"The media will paint anyone doing sit-ins or other confusing behavior as insurrectionists," they wrote in an Instagram post which was shared by the DC organizers. "We are here to peacefully gather, march and stand for freedom, nothing more."

The march volition brainstorm in the morning at the Washington Monument and end in the afternoon at the Lincoln Memorial.

"Y'all're going to hear a lot of people talk about on the left say this is a big, anti-vax rally — it's people coming in to deny science," organizer Will Witt told Trick News, "but this march is about the mandate, and this march is about the Draconian measures that we're seeing all across this land correct at present, particularly in places like D.C., New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco."

Witt said ninety% of speakers at the march are vaccinated. Several high-profile speakers, withal, take been at the center of national contend over COVID-19 vaccines and mandates, including Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCollough, YouTuber JP Spears, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who recently said giving children "i of these vaccines" is "criminal medical malpractice" at a December event in California, according to The Associated Press.

Kennedy's nonprofit organization, Children's Health Defense — which has received some criticism for its newsletters and social media posts questioning the prophylactic and effectiveness of COVID-xix vaccines in children — is sponsoring Sunday's march. The organization doubled its revenue in 2020 to $6.eight meg, filings with charity regulators obtained by AP show. -Fox News

According to Witt, the mandates are a "slippery slope" towards more restrictions - pointing to Australia where all residents may face $4,000 fines per quarter for remaining unvaccinated. Witt says that when Covid-19 outset hit the scene, it was "understandable why politicians" would want to lock down cities - however two years later - and with Omicron variant evading the vaccine - the mandates are moot.

"No politician wants to be known as the person who didn't [lock downwardly] their city. Everyone gets ill. So, it made sense in the starting time, just it'southward been well-nigh two years now," Witt said, arguing that those in favor of the mandates aren't beingness exposed to accurate information in the media," he said. "I think nosotros've got a pretty clear understanding of how this virus works, how it spreads and the best fashion to combat this. Just again, that real information isn't getting out to a lot of voters and people, so these left-wing places keep to be dominated by these … mandates."

Ahead of the outcome , Dr. Robert Malone - who will be speaking at the March - published a 'COVID Declaration' which has over 17,000 signatories.


Following Dr. Robert Malone'southward appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience, more physicians and medical scientists accept joined with their colleagues from effectually the world in signing the Physicians Annunciation. Now with more than than 17,000 signatures confirmed through a rigorous validation process, these physicians and scientists are represented past Dr. Malone as he speaks at the march to Defeat the Mandates on Sunday, Jan 23 in Washington, D.C.

The over 17,000 signers to the declaration have reached consensus on three foundational principles:

  1. Healthy children should non be subject to forced vaccination: they face negligible take chances from covid, but face potential permanent, irreversible risk to their health if vaccinated, including heart, encephalon, reproductive and immune arrangement harm.

  2. Natural Immunity Denial has prolonged the pandemic and needlessly restricted the lives of Covid-recovered people. Masks, lockdowns, and other restrictions have caused groovy impairment especially to children and delayed the virus' transition to endemic status.

  3. Health agencies and institutions must end interfering with the doc-patient human relationship. Policymakers are directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, as a event of institutional interference and blocking treatments proven to cure at a near 100% rate when administered early.

Led by Dr. Malone and staying loyal to the Hippocratic oath, the declaration's signers have resisted financial inducements, threats, unprecedented censorship, and reputational attacks to remain committed offset to patient health and well-being. After 23 months of research, millions of patients treated, hundreds of clinical trials performed and scientific data shared, and later on demonstrating and documenting their success in combating COVID-nineteen, the 17,000+ physicians and medical scientists who signed the declaration support the core principles Dr. Malone and many other doctors have been speaking out about since late final year.

The 17,000+ signatures of the declaration are accurate and must laissez passer a screening procedure before being officially identified as signing the annunciation. Signatories are required to supply their amalgamation and a link to their medical arrangement, facility, or profile. Nurses, non-Md practitioners and not-medical scientists are removed from the list signatories, as are duplicate entries and "bot" emails. The emails of the signatories have been separately and repeatedly tested and verified by a 3rd-party provider.

As the number of signatures to the declaration continues to ascent, we have published a select group of world famous, highly credentialed physicians and scientists who authored the

declaration. Many other doctors who have spoken out confronting the corruption, censorship and hypocrisy by authorities take been threatened, fired, censured, lied nigh, intimidated, and harassed - all while saving patients' lives daily. Never has the public been forced to go lab rats, for a vaccine v years away from adequate testing, violating basic principles of informed consent. Moreover, the medical and scientific evidence on the efficacy and safety of the COVID- 19 vaccine do not support mandating its use for anyone, specially healthy children.

January 23 March on Washington

The over 17,000 signers of the declaration volition be represented on Sunday, January 23, when Dr. Malone stands with fellow doctors and scientists on stage in Washington DC, every bit part of the Defeat the Mandates march Sunday, January 23, 2022. At the Lincoln Memorial, they will be joined by a wide range of featured guests for a series of inspiring talks and musical performances. Bring together united states!

Virtually the Global COVID Superlative

Global Covid Summit is the product of an international alliance of doctors and scientists, committed to speaking truth to ability virtually Covid pandemic research and treatment.

Thousands accept died from Covid equally a consequence of being denied life-saving early on treatment. The Declaration is a battle weep from physicians who are daily fighting for the right to care for their patients, and the right of patients to receive those treatments - without fearfulness of interference, retribution or censorship by government, pharmacies, pharmaceutical corporations, and big tech. We demand that these groups step bated and honor the sanctity and integrity of the patient- physician human relationship, the fundamental maxim "First Do No Harm", and the freedom of patients and physicians to brand informed medical decisions. Lives depend on information technology. More information here:


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